Makauri School
120 King Road
PH(06)867 5779
October 20, 2020
Mr. Roberts
Gisborne, New Zealand
Dear Mr Roberts
I am writing to you because we need your help. We need better kickers for the Makauri Rugby team and also so we can kick like Dan Carter.
So my friends and I are just wondering if you could perhaps help us make some goal posts. So do you think you could Help? Will you be able to work with other people to build and design some sturdy for generations to come and so rugby players can become All Blacks and say they came from Makauri School. You should know.
So do you think you could support us and you may receive a gift from Makuri School If yes sign at the bottom if not please give us a kind response.
Yours Sincerely
Jayden Davies ___________________________________________