Friday, 17 September 2021


 lInK tO mY cAnVa GiF/mEmE

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Jayden's new Game

Hey if you would like to play my game for FREE here is the link its a very short game :) 

Game Link

Monday, 14 June 2021

Thursday, 3 June 2021


 Game Link Made by gamefroot Gamefroot link Yay :)

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Jayden's Game Script (thingy)


My game took around 30 minutes but yet it was very hard to finish this in 30 minutes I thought this was very stressful so I was freaking out but then I got help from a friend and then I got started and that picture above the writing is actually my script it was very hard to do Well have a good day :) 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021


 My Piskel is just an animated me so I'll show you 

Hey, you should try piskel because it's a really cool app and you can make amazing characters like I have I learnt that we can use tools on Piskel I think that you should try I'll give you the link in this post


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Friday, 26 March 2021

Anzac Day Facts


Anzac Day Facts

The Anzac day facts that I know are that they started anzac day for the soldiers that died in the war.

You may wonder why the poppies matter in Anzac Day they matter because of all the people that died they give a sign that they fought for our lives if they didn't we would be slaves right now but we won and survived because of the poppies.

But also women didn't fight in the war because they were mean to look after the children and keep them safe from all the robberies that happened with all the men being at war some people discovered bad habits because they hadn't been able to get stopped from all the men that protected all the women so most people got robbed and had to suffer.

Now that is why Anzac day is a mattering thing in New Zealand because we all think that soldiers matter because of what they did.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021


 Here if the link to the to my screencastify from the prompts 

Prompt Writing

It was another day at the cheesecake factory , and us rat warriors are trying to get food to our families. Marching with our tiny legs rat Jayden , Shirley anything and mouset Pania .As we were running we saw the tough looking security guards in front of us in front of the cheese we charged to the security guard , and crawled up their pants stabbed them  with our tiny wooden swords . We somehow knocked them out . we were so close to the cheese we ,but we were stopped there was water in front of us rat jayden pushed shirley and mouset into the water but mouset got hold of his armor and pulled him in too soon we turned INTO DWARFS ! ,but we were tall enough to get the cheese and give it to our families.